
Dog Teeth Extraction: Your Questions Answered!

Dog Teeth Extraction: Your Questions Answered!

There are times when pulling out your dog’s teeth can help your furry friend feel better.

There are other times when tooth extraction is not necessary!

Let our Castle Rock vets help guide you.

Our vets have put together the 5 most frequently asked questions about this canine dental procedure, so you can make informed decisions for your puppy.

(Simply want your dog’s teeth evaluated for free to see if extractions are needed? If you live near Castle Rock, Colorado, call us at 303-688-3757 or click here to book it.)

#1: When is canine tooth extraction necessary?

If your dog has an infection or has exposed pulp, your dog is in pain and likely needs to have a tooth extracted.

Otherwise, it depends.

When our vets clean your dog’s teeth, we check for damaged teeth and “sinks” – much like a dentist does with people.

We also take a digital x-ray to see what your dog’s teeth look like below the gum line .

Think of your dog’s teeth as icebergs. You can only see the upper third of what’s going on.

Your dog’s gums must be tightly attached to each tooth so that bacteria cannot enter and destroy gum tissue, bone tissue, and roots.

This destruction (gum disease) is painful for your dog, and can lead to serious problems.

Our vets will recommend tooth extractions if we think they are absolutely essential to your dog’s long-term health and well-being.

This means that your dog:

  • Losses gum tissue, bone tissue, and/or root
  • Has one or more loose teeth
  • He will probably be in a lot of pain
  • At greater risk of organ damage and shorter life

If we find abnormalities around a tooth, but the tooth itself is stable and unaffected, there are things we can do to try to save the tooth and improve your dog’s dental health.


#2: Are some dogs more prone to tooth extraction?

All types of dogs can chip their teeth…and this can lead to them pulling out, especially if your dog is in pain.

(It’s common for us to see a Golden Retriever with a broken tooth one week and a young Jack Russell Terrier the next!)

Large breed dogs tend to be more likely to have “dead” teeth. If a dead tooth becomes infected, it may need to be extracted.

Many small dogs are prone to dental problems. They get on with calculus faster than large dogs. The calculus can roll under the gum lines, causing problems.

But no matter the dog’s breed or size, dental health is something we check in every dog.

It is estimated that up to four out of five dogs will develop periodontal disease by the time they reach the age of four.

The good news is that you can help prevent gum disease (and tooth extraction).

How do?

  1. Using These Popular Pet Teeth Products at Home
  2. By getting regular dental check -ups and
  3. By avoiding playing hard and bone dogs

#3: How Much Do Dog Teeth Extraction Cost?

The best way to get a cost estimate for tooth extractions is to get a free dental assessment .

When we look at your dog’s teeth, we can give you a good playground.

Then, when we take an x-ray and see below your dog’s gum line on the day of the procedure, we can call you with the exact cost.

Keep in mind, if your dog is getting a dental cleaning without anesthesia, your dog’s teeth may look great above the gum line, but there may be problems below them.

Get the full scoop: 5 reasons to get sedation for a toothbrush

#4: Will my dog ​​get stitches after tooth extraction?

Yes, there are usually stitches.

They usually dissolve within 2 to 4 weeks.


#5: What is the recovery time and healing process for a tooth extraction? Will my dog ​​need pain relief?

A lot of healing happens in the first two weeks.

We usually recommend a light diet.

Don’t chew the bones.

It is forbidden to brush the teeth.

Here’s a closer look at what you can expect after surgery…

Keep in mind that this can vary depending on how many teeth your dog has pulled out:

  • Right after the surgery… we can give your dog a laser treatment to aid healing and reduce pain. This is 100% optional.
  • The night after surgery… We’ll give your dog extra pain medication. The puppy may act a little groggy or anxious. Usually, though, he’ll be back to behaving normally – or better – the next day.
  • Your dog will be on an anti-inflammatory drug for a few days . We may also add pain relief medication. And sometimes, we put antibiotics on your dog to help fight off any painful infection.
  • If your dog has had a lot of extractions, we will ask your dog to come back to make sure everything recovers properly.

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